Installation of
Solar Panels for
the industrial sector.
Confiabilidad con un alto grado de seguridad es como RCI construye proyectos en el segmento industrial.
El bajo costo que presenta la tecnología fotovoltaica ha logrado que cientos de industrias en México decidan instalar paneles solares en sus naves y terrenos industriales. Sin embargo, en RCI sabemos el alto grado de calidad y seguridad que se requiere para construir proyectos en el segmento.

RCI brings extensive technical experience , operational capacity and capacity in security processes that allow us to build industrial projects with optimal delivery quality. To guarantee the quality and safety of industrial projects RCI ENERGIES has various resources such as:

Trained electricians and mechanics with extensive experience in industrial work (medium voltage, various types of assembly structures).
Highly trained personnel in safety and quality standards at work.
Project management with AAA experience for high profile clients.
Back office to support field staff to provide immediate solutions.
Experienced purchasing staff ensures the best prices, availability of equipment and materials from reliable suppliers.
High quality tools and instrumentation for best NOM-IEC execution.
Performance and guarantee bonds, as well as civil liability and social security insurance for all staff.
Theindustrial PPA market in Mexicocontinues to grow, ensuring that a system is perfectly built and optimized togenerate a high ROIis our commitment. WithRCIas your builder, we will not only help mitigate technical, logistical and safety risks in your projects, but we will also ensure theconstruction of your project with the highest quality in record time.
How can we bring your solar ideas to life ? Contact us !
With RCI as an ally, your projects are in good hands. Click on the button to receive a quote .